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Developing the Educational Library & Toys Section in the Local Community for Disabled Shufat Camp: Giving a Chance to Learn and Develop
Project Goal: This project was established in 2002 with the help of U.N.D.P aiming to give the children '' normal and handicaps equal opportunities to use toys that can enhance their using of hands and minds .Now after five years of working in this section we need to re-establish & developing the damaged toys & Equipment & to continuing this project in our community . Target Group: According to data collected by the Society, Shu'fat camp has about 450 disabled residents among its 20.000 inhabitants in addition of the schools students (boys/girls) from 7-14 .
1) To create a relaxed and educational environment for disabled children.
2) To develop disabled children's skills, including their mental abilities.
3) To run a self-funding project at the Society